Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chunky Monkey: 2 week update

* I have had several comments and YES, I am very aware that I put a picture of myself in rollers on the blog. That is what I looked like on Sunday, so no need to not let you see it all!

Yesterday was Henry's 2 week doctors appointment. I left Jack with J since he is sick and in a effort to not bring more germs home. That was the best plan and made it much easier. Henry slept through most of it and the entire car ride home including the chick-fil-a drive thru!

At two weeks:
  • You are a chunk at 10lbs 4 oz (yes, you have gained almost 3lbs in two weeks and weigh 4lbs more than your brother did at the same age, yet you look so little to me.)
  • You are 21 1/2 inches long
  • 75th to 90th percentile in both height and weight
  • You umbilical cord stump thankfully fell off while we were at the doctors office and that was much to your daddy's delight!
  • You are still wearing very few newborn clothes and quickly moving into 0-3 months, this makes me sad because you have some cute-cute clothes that you will not get to wear much, so I guess we will just save them for the next boy! HA!
  • You eat every 2-3, but mostly 2 hours and it seems that you still have your days and nights mixed up...I am trying really hard to not feel tired because I know I will miss holding that tiny baby soon enough
  • You had your 1st outing this week to get your daddy's Christmas gift. You did great, but I had forgotten how heavy that car seat is!

Henry, you have only been in our life for 2 almost 3 short weeks, but it feels like a lifetime. You are such a joy and we are thankful that our family is now more complete because you are in it. There is nothing like a little Christmas time baby to make everyone smile a little more! God has truly blessed us again with another beautiful baby boy!

12 days update:

On the 7th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

new socks and cozy pjs!

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