Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our Thanksgiving

This year our Thanksgiving was different than anyone before and probably anyone in the future. Having a baby due the week after Thanksgiving makes plans easy...NO TRAVELING!

So, we opted to stay home, have John cooked a wonderful meal complete with turkey, dressing, and Paula Dean's fudge pie (which I ate most of)

and we just enjoyed the 4 days of quiet before the wonderful chaos that is coming this week.

I did not Black Friday shop (well unless you count 2 hours mid morning) I did not take any pictures, we did get to spend time with J's parents on Saturday as they were passing through town and then some time on Sunday with his sister and her family. We did not kill each other due to too much togetherness and Jack got tons of attention!

It was a fun Thanksgiving like no other and we are very thankful that we do have lots of family to spend our holidays with!

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