Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To My Baby Jack

Dear Jack,

It is so hard to believe that it has been two years since you came quickly into our world, three weeks early, and a tiny 5lbs. You were one little determined boy then, and you still have that same determination in everything you do. Everyday with you is greater than I imagined and you amaze me every second.

This year has brought about so many changes and I just want to stop time so I can hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet face. It seems like each day you change and become more and more of a little boy and no longer a baby. How quickly I have forgotten what it felt like to hold that 5lb baby boy and yet I everyday I think my heart could not possibly love you anymore, but it continues to stretch more and more.

This year you have become our little talker, you are more obsessed with trains than I ever thought possible, you still LOVE Barney and can not possibly think of sleeping without your snuggly or favorite blanket. We talk about fishing, watch the Little Rascals at least 5 times a week, want to go outside or ride every hour. You love to go anywhere at any time and get more excited over the sound of the garage door opening when daddy comes come than anything else. You will eat anything sweet and can not possibly function if you can not have at least one dum dum per day. You have started school 3 mornings a week and it has been the best thing for both of us. You needed some friends besides mommy, but I still miss you while you are gone and can not wait for afternoon carpool to pick you up.

I thank God everyday for giving me more than I ever deserved in you. You are my Bestest Boy and my favorite Tootlebug! Happy 2nd Birthday sweet boy!




1 comment:

Grannie Rains said...

Happy Birthday Jack. Have a great day! Mommie and Daddy too....