Monday, September 27, 2010

Flying By

Oh my I do not know what has happened, but since Jack started school time seems to be flying and I really need to slow it down a little very quickly!

Jack had a great birthday and party on Saturday. (I have picures and lots of recap, I promise) Somewhere in the mix of last week I had a birthday too. It was great and so were the gifts, but Jack's party was the next day, so not much time for fun, however Em and I did squeeze in a pedicure, lunch, baby bites, and tickets to see Legally Blonde on Broadway. I had my 30 week doctor's appointment today at 31 weeks, and still can not believe that Henry will be here in 9 weeks! I really want to slow that down! We have a mini storage to rent, a big boy room to do, and a house to sell, all preferably before he comes, but as I learned with Jack sometimes there is another plan! Okay, enough of my panicking and on to the fun stuff!

Jack got to miss school on his birthday for a photo shoot (more on that much later) so I decided to let him have the entire day out. We went to the mall to meet J for lunch, got a yummy cookie,

rode the carousel,

came home to gifts on the porch, had a visit from the Rutland's with yummy treats and a new train, and Pop came over with gifts and to play. Needless to say, there was no napping that day, but it was lots of fun!

New Thomas toys for the bath!

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