Wednesday, March 4, 2009

New toys for Mommy and Jack!

Yes believe it or not Jack is not the only one who gets the new cute things around here. Now, with that said he does tend to get most of the new things and the more extravagant toys, but that is the way it is supposed to be right?

One of the sweetest Real Estate agents, Ann gave Jack the coolest excersaucer. We have just gotten it out and he is completely in love with it. It is so funny to just sit and watch him trying to decide which toy to touch next. Out of all the toys he seems to really like the little tiny tag on the side of the toy bar. Go figure! I had to let you see him too!

Now for all you girls the important stuff........Drum roll
These are the glorious new shoes!!

I don't think picture is justice, but these are those wonderful muted gold-wedge-same color as your summer skin-make your legs look a mile long-shoes. You know the ones that Stacy London would be so proud of you for wearing because they elongate your legs. Well I did get them on sale and for those of you who know me you know that, but I did pay more than I would under normal circumstances. I can not tell you where they came from because I do not like the store at all and would not have even been there, but I was helping a friend who needed some shirts returned.

Now if it will just get warm enough to wear them AND I can talk John into babysitting while I get a pedicure!

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