Monday, February 23, 2009

Grandparents, Birthdays, Haircuts, and Dishwasher Disasters

Weird title, I know, but since I last talked to you so much has happened! I am finally starting to feel better today, but cannot seem to shake the cough. Luckily Jack has not gotten it( I think that has something to do with my crazy addiction to the can of Lysol)and I am so praying he won't! John hasn't either, and let's be honest I am not that worried about him but he is an awful patient!

My mom came to town Friday night which was wonderful! That meant an adorable easter basket for Jack and sleeping late for John and I.
We met my sister and Gran for haircuts (okay not bragging,well yes I am, but my haircut is cute) If your in the area, call Salon 150 and ask for JoAnn) then headed to Edgar's for lunch. It was yummy as usual especially the strawberry cake. I know we are so trying to lose weight, but it was Emily's 25th birthday, so just a little was okay, right? Then off to Sekisui for dinner. Emily and I have a slight addiction to sushi and remember I had to abstain from sushi for a whole NINE months (plus 12 weeks more while breastfeeding)Needless to say we all had our share of sushi and even time to pose for a quick picture. Some how we just don't look as cute as Jack, ever!

Somewhere in between all this we spent some time with Jack's Pop and Lisa (because she still has not come up with a "granny" name yet) on Saturday night and Sunday too. Not to mention my less than 1 year old dishwasher broke and I have been handwashing 85 bottles a day! Good news we are getting a new dishwasher this week compliments of the builder!

I know this is a lot for 3 days. Poor John tried to get some cough medicine that would knock me out. Didn't work!


MrsHonea said...

I hope your cough goes away very soon. Love your hair, and of course Jack is adorable! Did someone paint the Easter basket? It's too cute!

The Hensons said...

It will. In the mean time I will just keep taking the nasty cough syrup. No the Easter basket is felt. It came from Sam's of all places. It was $9. Adorable!