Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Last Minute Weekend

Our weekend was full of birthday lunches with sweet friends and yummy cupcakes and beauty pageants and little work and late nights!!

 The boys think Aunt Shan's is like a vacation spot because there are endless amounts of treats and toys, always someone to play with a full of stay up lates and no napping!

 I love the break it gives and J loves having a dream kitchen to cook in complete with a captive audience!! 

My sweet Sydney makes my heart happy! She is just like me and loves anything and everything girly!! I love that she thinks I am cool and likes my taste in clothes and all the other girly stuff! I hope she doesn't ever out grow me and I love that she thinks its important for me to do her makeup for a pageant and that I should help her pick out school supplies because I like the cute stuff too! The fairest of the fair pageant was on Saturday and she was 4 for 4 going in! Her group ended in a tie and she 1st runner up! She handled herself with such confidence and grace and was humble and sweet to all the other girls making sure she told them all how beautiful they looked. I hope MK is just like her in a few years!!!

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